What’s this?
These are some of the most interesting and beautiful things that we talked about at our studio this week. We show you the stuff that we have come across on instagram, the web or in real life and that inspires and excites us. And yes, sometimes we mingle in our own projects. We enjoy sharing it with our friends, colleagues and anyone interested. Below this Holidays’ 12 tips, here our collected overview.
1: Buddyghetti
Will Ferrell as Buddy in Elf makes the most festive Spaghetti. Hellofresh did some smart marketing recreating it for your enjoyment. Sold out, OK, but there’s plenty of info on the web to hack the recipe yourself.
3: Stay frosty
Tsuchiya Kaban has created the ultimate bag; the perfect way to keep your snowman frozen. With a special pocket for your carrot! Now we only need some snow.
4: Jacquards all the way
5: Chandigarh essence
Yum! A pictorial history documenting some of the furniture Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret designed for the City of Chandigarh.
6: Real life Jack
Can we all agree that The Nightmare Before Christmas is the best Christmas movie ever made? Yes? Than book tickets to San Antonio and see this cool exhibition about the making of.
7: Stoners with style
Stoners can now live with some class, rather than a life among thrift shop furniture 👀
8: Xmas ads
Is advertising in crisis? Judging from this “best” (?) Christmas ads overview creativity and marketing courage has gone down the drain over the years... Is this the result of data trumping ideas? Choosing safety over taking a gamble? Could be. The budgets still appear to be massive. At least Apple delivered a decent feel good one and saves the day.
9: Deck the halls and poker tables
Eames x Art of Play created a gorgeous deck of playing cards. Teach me poker now!
10: Zeit Geist
Vercel shares their custom made typeface; Geist, a typeface specifically designed for developers and designers.
11: Early deco
Sorry, this is a bit too late for this Christmas. But be smart and do your 2024 decoration shopping early.

12: Watch these
Because we love lists and we are hoping you do too: here are our favorite Christmas movies with links to their streaming-urls:
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Muppet Christmas Carrol
Trading Places
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Jingle All The Way
Bad Santa
or make your own pick from this list.
Not in the mood for a movie, play a game 😉
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Muppet Christmas Carrol
Trading Places
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Jingle All The Way
Bad Santa
or make your own pick from this list.
Not in the mood for a movie, play a game 😉