Tip 5 — week 44, 2023

What’s this?

These are some of the most interesting and beautiful things that we talked about at our studio this week. We show you the stuff that we have come across on instagram, the web or in real life and that inspires and excites us. And yes, sometimes we mingle in our own projects. We enjoy sharing it with our friends, colleagues and anyone interested. Below this week’s 5 tips, here our collected overview.

1: Fly away

Interactive websites are enjoying renewed popularity. They are incredibly powerful media to present current affairs (like this one, or these), but this bird tracker project site is simply beautiful.

2: Drift home

Dutch artist duo Drift is opening up their own museum!

3: Michael’s underground

Painting on walls for pros. The story behind these drawings is so cool! Now Michelangelo’s secret drawing room in Florence opens to the public for the first time.

4: Pulped fiction

David Shrigley is a champ in putting a smile on our faces. His latest project – Pulped Fiction – sees him pulping unwanted paperback copies of The Da Vinci Code and making them into paper. Small fragments of the original text are still visible on each page. David Shrigley  has produced a limited run of 1,250 copies of George Orwell’s dystopian novel ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ made entirely from the pulped remains of unwanted copies of ‘The Da Vinci Code’.

5: Wood landscaping

We got a beautiful artwork for our studio this week from Portugese artist Rui Guimaraes!! ❤️ Another cool miniature that was created for the OOGST-project (that Jord from our team is part of) was created by Deventer miniature giant Dave van Doorn❤️. And then finally get your wooden miniature statue kicks from Sala Kauppa.