Tip 5 — week 07, 2023

What’s this?

These are some of the most interesting and beautiful things that we talked about in our studio this week. We show you the stuff that we have come across on instagram, the web or in real life and that inspires and excites us. And yes, sometimes we mingle in our own projects. We enjoy sharing it with our friends, colleagues and anyone interested. Below this week’s 5 tips, here our collected overview.

1: Guerrilla glass

Swiss glass artist Robert Comploj is taking glass to the streets by blowing and molding the hot lava-like substance on anything he comes across.

2: Tiny bricks and stuff

In case you’re planning to renovate your dollhouse any time soon, here’s a collection of pretty cute concrete.

3: Bag uette

Lunch takeout in stylePanera Bread has a fine sense of fashion and humor!

4: Photodelica

Romain Laurent creates static, half static and dynamic universes that are beyond trick-photography 🤘🏻.

5: Wonderstreets

The best of Google Streetview collected in one spot. Created by Neal Agarwal the guy who brought you this.