Tip 5 — week 03, 2024   

What’s this?

These are some of the most interesting and beautiful things that we talked about at our studio this week. We show you the stuff that we have come across on instagram, the web or in real life and that inspires and excites us. And yes, sometimes we mingle in our own projects. We enjoy sharing it with our friends, colleagues and anyone interested. Below this week’s 5 tips, here our collected overview.

1: It’s AAN

What a great idea: Agency At Night! Visit Rotterdam agencies at night. Go, go, go!

2: Pepperjensi

The prolific peppermill designs of Jens Quistgaard. Hot stuff.

3: Zero Honda

Wut? These Honda’s are claimed to hit the road in 2026. Love ’m or hate ’m, their new logo carries the Kern studio mark of approval 😉.

4: Tetris beaten?!

OMG WILLIS!!!11!1☠️!

5: Sub Montreal

Mitul Shah shot these wonderfully presented photographs of the Montreal subway. (Did you know their carts roll on rubber wheels instead of rails?)